MacBook Pro 13" Touch Bar A1706 (2016-2017) Screen repair

MacBook Pro 13" Touch Bar A1706 (2016-2017) screen repair? A new MacBook Pro 13" Touch Bar A1706 (2016-2017) display is easily arranged!
Problems with your MacBook Pro 13" Touch Bar A1706 (2016-2017) screen? Then it is wise to get your MacBook Pro 13" Touch Bar A1706 (2016-2017) screen fixed during a screen repair.
Frequently asked questions about screen MacBook Pro 13" Touch Bar A1706 (2016-2017) replacement.
The price is a starting price, what does that mean?
For MacBook screen repairs, we offer several options. If your MacBook is no longer within Apple’s factory warranty, it’s a lot more economical to go for a non-official repair. Read the following FAQ for more information.
What options do you offer for a new MacBook screen?
How long will my new MacBook Pro 13" Touch Bar A1706 (2016-2017) screen last?
Does the warranty on my MacBook Pro 13" Touch Bar A1706 (2016-2017) expire if I have my screen repaired with you?
How long will the repair take?
You guarantee a no cure, no pay method. How does that work?
You offer a lifetime warranty on a MacBook Pro 13" Touch Bar A1706 (2016-2017) screen repair. What is included?
Unsure if you should have your MacBook Pro 13" Touch Bar A1706 (2016-2017) screen repaired and a new screen is needed?
Then see if your issue is listed below and stop by for a screen repair. Still not sure about having your MacBook Pro 13" Touch Bar A1706 (2016-2017) display created and restored? Then stop by for a free diagnosis.
- 1There are cracks in the LCD of your MacBook Pro 13" Touch Bar A1706 (2016-2017) screen.
- 2Vertical colored stripes are visible in the MacBook Pro 13" Touch Bar A1706 (2016-2017) display.
- 3Black ink spots are visible in the LCD of your MacBook Pro 13" Touch Bar A1706 (2016-2017) display.
- 4Your LCD is broken because your display no longer lights up while your MacBook Pro 13" Touch Bar A1706 (2016-2017) is on.
- 5The MacBook Pro 13" Touch Bar A1706 (2016-2017) display flickers.
- 6A new MacBook Pro 13" Touch Bar A1706 (2016-2017) display is cheaper than buying a new device.
Curious about where to get your screen made of your MacBook Pro 13" Touch Bar A1706 (2016-2017)? Visit one of our stores for a MacBook Pro 13" Touch Bar A1706 (2016-2017) screen repair:
You can always visit one of our stores. Click on the map for more info about your store.
ThePhoneLab - Van Woustraat 190D
Van Woustraat 190D, 1073 LZ Amsterdam - Van Woustraat
ThePhoneLab - Marnixstraat 253H
Marnixstraat 253H, 1015 WH Amsterdam - Marnixstraat
ThePhoneLab - Beethovenstraat 94hs
Beethovenstraat 94hs, 1077 JN Amsterdam - Beethovenstraat
ThePhoneLab - Frederik Hendriklaan 142A
Frederik Hendriklaan 142A, 2582 BH Den Haag - Frederik Hendriklaan
ThePhoneLab - Gelderlandplein 126
Gelderlandplein 126, 1082 LB Amsterdam - Gelderlandplein
Iedereen is welkom bij ThePhoneLab! Of je nu een afspraak hebt of niet. Wel goed om te weten: klanten met afspraak hebben voorrang op klanten zonder afspraak.
Je ontvangt standaard levenslange garantie op de werking van het vervangen onderdeel. Lees hier de voorwaarden.
Is het onderdeel al voor je besteld? Dan is de reparatie vaak al klaar in 60 minuten! Want we snappen hoe vervelend het is om hem langdurig kwijt te zijn.
Wij werken volgens de no cure, no pay methode. Deze belofte geldt voor al onze reparaties, behalve waterschade reparaties.
Onze specialisten worden opgeleid in de ThePhoneLab Academy. Hun expertise zetten zij in om iedere reparatie perfect uit te voeren volgens de hoogste standaarden.
Jouw reparatie wordt uitgevoerd door zeer ervaren specialisten. Ieder jaar voeren zij meer dan 1500 MacBook reparaties uit.