MacBook Pro 13" M1/M2 Touch Bar A2338 (2020-2022) Deep cleaning
Has your MacBook Pro 13" M1/M2 Touch Bar A2338 (2020-2022) been around for several years? Then you can assume that it’s full of dust, crumbs and other dirt. We recommend that you have your MacBook thoroughly cleaned (if used intensively). Because a dirty MacBook Pro 13" M1/M2 Touch Bar A2338 (2020-2022) uses more power or can make a lot of noise. This makes it not only unsanitary, but also hinders operation.
Within 1 hour, one of our specialists will open your MacBook Pro 13" M1/M2 Touch Bar A2338 (2020-2022) and perform a thorough cleaning. After the cleaning service you will have a fresh, well-functioning MacBook Pro 13" M1/M2 Touch Bar A2338 (2020-2022) again!
- 1It is more hygienic: think about all the dust, crumbs and other debris that you are now carrying in your MacBook Pro 13" M1/M2 Touch Bar A2338 (2020-2022).
- 2The fan can cool better.
- 3Your MacBook Pro 13" M1/M2 Touch Bar A2338 (2020-2022) makes less noise.
- 4Your MacBook Pro 13" M1/M2 Touch Bar A2338 (2020-2022) will continue to operate well and won't be as slow.
- 5Your MacBook Pro 13" M1/M2 Touch Bar A2338 (2020-2022) uses less power.
- 6Your MacBook Pro 13" M1/M2 Touch Bar A2338 (2020-2022) may last longer because it is less likely to break down.
Frequently asked questions about your MacBook Pro 13" M1/M2 Touch Bar A2338 (2020-2022) cleaning
How often do I have to clean my MacBook Pro 13" M1/M2 Touch Bar A2338 (2020-2022)?
We recommend that you have your MacBook Pro 13" M1/M2 Touch Bar A2338 (2020-2022) thoroughly cleaned every year if you use it intensively. Do you use your MacBook Pro 13" M1/M2 Touch Bar A2338 (2020-2022) every now and then? Then carry out this cleaning at least every two years. This ensures optimal operation and hygienic use!
What does a specialist do during the thorough cleaning of my MacBook Pro 13" M1/M2 Touch Bar A2338 (2020-2022)?
Does my warranty with Apple expire if I have my MacBook Pro 13" M1/M2 Touch Bar A2338 (2020-2022) cleaned by ThePhoneLab?
How long does the cleaning service take?
Curious about where you can get your MacBook Pro 13" M1/M2 Touch Bar A2338 (2020-2022) cleaned?
You are always welcome to stop by one of our stores. Click on the map for more information about your preferred store.
ThePhoneLab - Van Woustraat 190D
Van Woustraat 190D, 1073 LZ Amsterdam - Van Woustraat
ThePhoneLab - Marnixstraat 253H
Marnixstraat 253H, 1015 WH Amsterdam - Marnixstraat
ThePhoneLab - Beethovenstraat 94hs
Beethovenstraat 94hs, 1077 JN Amsterdam - Beethovenstraat
ThePhoneLab - Frederik Hendriklaan 142A
Frederik Hendriklaan 142A, 2582 BH Den Haag - Frederik Hendriklaan
ThePhoneLab - Gelderlandplein 126
Gelderlandplein 126, 1082 LB Amsterdam - Gelderlandplein