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Delete app on your iPhone? This is how you do it!

You probably know it, you’ve downloaded an app but use it little or not at all. So the app really only takes up valuable space that you could put to good use for photos or another app that you do enjoy using. So you’ve decided to uninstall this app, but how do you actually do that? In this blog “App removal on your iPhone,” we explain it to you in detail.

Delete an app on iPhone? In two simple ways!

Deleting apps from the home screen

This way will already be familiar to many people, and is therefore the easiest and fastest way. It goes like this:

  1. Place your finger on the app you want to delete. Hold your finger longer (not harder!) on the app until a dropdown menu appears. Also, you can now slide your finger up so that the icons begin to wobble.
  2. From the dropdown menu, you can click directly on Delete app.
  3. Did you slide your finger up and the icons started wobbling? Then crosses now appear in the upper left corner of the app icon.
  4. Tap the cross with your finger to delete the app.


Want to delete more apps? Then repeat step 4. When you’re done deleting your apps, click the home button (or on an iPhone X or newer, swipe up from the bottom edge of the screen). The icons now stop wobbling again.

Delete apps via settings

Another way to delete your apps is through your settings. This too is easy but a little slower than the above option.

  1. Navigate to Settings and choose General.
  2. Click on iPhone storage here.
  3. A long list of apps will now appear, click here on the app you want to delete.
  4. Now click Delete App and then click Delete App again

Recovering deleted apps, is that possible?

No problem, you can easily find these apps again in the App Store. Apps you have previously downloaded are recognized by the App Store. You can recognize these apps again by the little cloud in the place of the download button. Tap the cloud to download the app again, if it’s a paid app you don’t have to pay again.

Can I also temporarily delete my apps for extra storage?

You can! The disadvantage of uninstalling apps is that all data and documents stored in them are also immediately lost. Would you rather clean up your apps for temporary extra storage? Then read our blog on “How to free up iPhone storage space.

Still suffering from a stubborn app that won’t let itself be removed?

We are happy to help you in one of our stores! Make an online appointment or walk into our store, just keep in mind with the latter that you may have to wait a while.